CX Passport
👉Love customer experience and love travel? You’ve found the right podcast, a show about creating great customer experience, with a dash of travel talk. 🎤Each episode, we’ll talk with our guests about customer experience, travel, and just like the best journeys, explore new directions we never anticipated. Listen here or watch on YouTube youtube.com/@cxpassport 🗺️CX Passport is a podcast that purposely seeks out global Customer Experience voices to hear what's working well in CX, what are their challenges and to hear their Customer Experience stories. In addition, there's always a dash (or more!) of travel talk in each episode.🧳Hosted by Rick Denton, CX Passport will bring Customer Experience and industry leaders to get their best customer experience insights, stories and hear their tales from the road...whether it’s the one less traveled or the one on everyone’s summer trip list.
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I'm Rick Denton and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport
Music: Funk In The Trunk by Shane Ivers
CX Passport is a podcast for customer experience professionals that focuses on the stories, strategies, and solutions needed to create and deliver meaningful customer experiences. It features guests from the world of CX, including executives, consultants, and authors, who discuss their own experiences, tips, and insights. The podcast is designed to help CX professionals learn from each other, stay on top of the latest trends, and develop their own strategies for success.
CX Passport
The One with the 2024 First Class Holiday Special part 1 - E196
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🎤As we close 2024, CX Passport takes a break with the annual tradition of “The One with the 2024 First Class Holiday Special part 1”🎧 Episode 196
Thank you to all of the great guests of 2024 and to all of the amazing listeners. Thank you for joining the trip with me! Who’s on the Holiday Special part 1?...
0:38 Ilenia Vidili - Italy
4:46 Sam Stern - USA
8:59 Sarah Hatter - USA
16:12 Enrique Saenz - Guatemala
21:39 Milagros Gonzales - Argentina
26:08 Michael Mattson - USA
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I'm Rick Denton and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport
Welcome to the annual holiday tradition of the CX passport first class lounge recap. Today, I've got six first class lounges to share with you from folks from around the globe. Hope you enjoy listening to these as much as I enjoy putting together. We've got Ilenia from Italy, Sam from the US, Sarah from the US as well, Enrique from Guatemala, Mili from Argentina, and Michael back from the US. Hope you all enjoy and really, what I want is for a wonderful, wonderful holiday season for you, customer experience wisdom, a dash of travel talk. We've been cleared for takeoff. The best meals are served outside and require passport. Alania, I totally would love to do that kind of a digital nomad lifestyle. Would love to get get out there. I did a taste of it when I came out of university doing the cliched, did a taste of it when I did the cliched backpacking trip after university for a month, but I was in Europe. It was a month. But I do know this, it was a grittier lifestyle. And there were times that I would have loved to have taken a break in a first class lounge, a lounge in general, and, well, that was a little beyond the backpacking budget. But today we get that opportunity. We're gonna take a little break here. We're gonna stop down in the first class lounge, move quickly here and have a little bit of fun. What is a, and you may have several, what is a dream travel location from your past,
Ilenia Vidili:Bali. Oh, yeah,
Rick Denton:was that part of your was this just a vacation that you were on?
Ilenia Vidili:No, I lived there for eight months. It was part of my nomadic journey. It was beautiful. It's such like Valley is such different worlds. It's a completely different world. It's amazing.
Rick Denton:Well, we could spend the whole podcast talking about that, because you saw my eyes light up, and just almost get to feel it's a little chilly here today, and so I love the idea of being on some warm ocean breezes. Maybe that's on my future. What is a dream travel location for you in the future that you've not been to yet
Ilenia Vidili:Japan. I would love to,
Rick Denton:oh, man. So Japan has come up multiple times in the recent past on this podcast. So whatever energy is out there, whatever Japanese Tourism Board is out there, it's working because people talk about all the time. I had the opportunity to go. Listeners and viewers know this about a year or so ago, when my son was studying abroad, there brilliant place. Love it. So yes, get there. Food is fantastic. The people are wonderful. And, my gosh, the logistics are spectacular,
Ilenia Vidili:yes. And customer service, absolutely,
Rick Denton:absolutely. Am I gonna get this right? Omo tenashi, I believe, is the term, and it is a brilliant Japanese concept. If I've slaughtered it, I apologize for those of you that know the Japanese language better than I do. What is Alania a favorite thing of yours to eat?
Ilenia Vidili:Love Italian food, obviously. And porcini risotto is my favorite dish. Oh, yum.
Rick Denton:Oh, that sounds delicious. And it's, I mean, it's 930 in the morning. I shouldn't be hungry, and yet, oh my gosh, that sounds really, really good. Let's go the other way. Something you were forced to eat while you were growing up, but you hated as a kid,
Ilenia Vidili:beans. I really did not like beans. Okay,
Rick Denton:there's, there's something here. Now the episodes may not release back to back, but yesterday I recorded uh Francesca, and I'm forgetting her last name. I apologize, Francesca, and she's Italian, living in France, and her answer to that question was beans as well. So I gotta, I gotta do a little exploration of the Italian culture. Understand this aversion to beans. It's just interesting that two days in a row that's come up. I can understand it, though. Let's go back to travel as we exit the lounge here, what is one travel item not including your phone, not including your passport, that you will not leave home without
Ilenia Vidili:my camera? Is that allowed? No phone camera, my camera. I that,
Rick Denton:Sam, I definitely want to get back to that story a little bit later in the episode, but it's also important that we take a little break. You mentioned people flying from all over the world to the Cleveland Clinic, and I imagine, especially if you're in the midst of a healthcare moment, where you're taking a trip across the world to achieve a healthcare outcome. Travel can be a little bit rough, and it can be nice to take a little break. And so the first class lounge can be a very enjoyable space inside of a trip. And I hope today, the first class Lounge is an enjoyable break for you inside of the CX passport episode today. Let's move quickly here and have a little bit of fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?
Sam Stern:Yeah, thank you for sending me these questions in advance. I could think about them a little bit. I would say the Galapagos Islands, yeah, which I went to about 15 years ago now, I think with one of my brothers. Sisters and a good friend, and it's magical. And I'd love to go back some time with my daughters and take the next generation to show them that very special place.
Rick Denton:I really want to go there. I've heard such great things about it. My mom in a anyway, my mom did a ton of travel and led people to places like that. It just sounds absolutely amazing. Let's go the other direction. What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet?
Sam Stern:Japan, for me, love the food. I'm sure it's even better there, and I've heard this from a few different people, but saying it's a place where you can go and get completely lost and feel like you're completely, you know, in a strange land where you don't speak the language and you're trying to understand the culture, but feel safe. And I just think there's, there's something magical about that, where you can go and just immerse yourself and let be free and sort of like be wandering around and exploring and not really worry, and just sort of be lost in the moment. Having
Rick Denton:done Japan for the first time at the the beginning of this year. Actually, we did it starting in December. Did through the holidays. I can attest to that. And yours is a description that I haven't ever said, but I will take forward absolutely get lost, but still feel safe. Such a wonderful place. Yes, Lord Yes, the food is better there than anything that you have experienced as you'd expect. Let's stay there. What is a favorite thing of yours to eat
Sam Stern:pizza for me. What I love about good answer, yeah, it's simple, it's easy, but I so actually, I love bad pizza, and I'm interesting. And I love really, really good pizza too. My my neighbor and I make, make our own pizza. He has one of those fancy Gosney pizza ovens, okay? And I have, like, a, you know, I have a very involved process of making my own pizza dough that takes three days. Oh my gosh. We make really good pizza, and we love it, and we eat it whenever we can. We get together and do this, but I'll also eat dominoes. And to me, that's the magic of pizza. It's good when it's bad, and it gets better and better and better and better when you really work at it, to try and perfect it, boy,
Rick Denton:that it's good when it's bad. Yeah, I'm with you there. There's no way that I'm doing a three day dough preparation recipe. Don't have the patience for that. But if I'm ever in your area, maybe I'll enjoy Yes, well, we'll have three day preparation. We'll be
Sam Stern:happy to host you. We're always looking for an excuse to be happy
Rick Denton:to be that excuse. Let's go the other way again. So growing up, what was something you were forced to eat but hated as a kid? Yeah.
Sam Stern:Well, so in case, especially in case she listens to this, I need to say for the record, my mom was, was and is a great cook. She did most of the cooking for us, but we were a margarine family when I was a kid. Oh yeah. And I always had, I know I always had the sense that we were not we were doing it wrong. We were on the wrong side of that divide without even really knowing what I was missing. But when I would go over to some of my friends houses and they'd have butter, I could taste the difference. And so I always knew that there was a better version of what I could spread on my toast out there. I just we were, we were a margarine family.
Rick Denton:I think a lot of us of a certain age saw margarine on the table when we really shouldn't have seen margarine. Somehow it got declared as being a healthier option, which we now know really the case, right, right? So I can sympathize with you on that one, on that travel front, what is one item, not including your phone, not including your passport, that you will not leave home without?
Sam Stern:Pretty nerdy here, I guess, but packing cubes, I big believer in staying organized while you're traveling.
Rick Denton:You You and I need to stop down here sometimes that travel can wear us out, and I'd like to invite you into the first class lounge to take a little break right now. We'll move kind of quickly here, but we'll have a little bit of fun too. What is a dream travel location from your past?
Sarah Hatter:Oh, New Zealand, for sure. I mean, I've been, I've been very, very lucky to, like, go everywhere in the the world that I want to go. But New Zealand, I've been a couple of times. As you can tell if you're watching the video of this, my background is a lot of nerdery related to Lord of the Rings. So I, you know, then to the Shire, my mom and I actually did a road trip where we drove from Auckland all the way to Wellington and did the entire North Island. That's my that's, it's, it's a, it's a ridiculous place, but I highly recommend it. If you get a chance to go, or have two weeks left of your life you spent it in New Zealand, it's the place to be.
Rick Denton:Well, that's kind of a dark ending there. But yeah, I
Sarah Hatter:know. I didn't mean it like that. I don't know how that came out. Yeah, it's the last thing
Rick Denton:you do if you have two weeks. Yeah, if you have two weeks, regardless of the motivation behind it, Sarah, not only are the objects behind you, so is the feline off your right shoulder there, what is, what is your cat's name, and why
Sarah Hatter:my cat's name is. Pippin. He's named after the hobbit from Lord of the Rings. Pippin is my favorite Lord of the Rings character. You go, go on and on about it, but obviously it's just there you go, rag dolls.
Rick Denton:So as soon as you said New Zealand, I was like, Oh, of course it's gonna be New Zealand. Let's go the other direction. Yeah. What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet,
Sarah Hatter:Egypt, Egypt, that's on my list. Yeah, my, my family and I, we actually had a trip booked for this Christmas. We are going to do a Nile cruise, and have decided, just in the realm of, you know, political thinking, we're maybe not going to go this year, but it's, it's one of those places where I feel like I'm a student of history. Always, I think that the best decisions and thoughts come from seeing what other people did and kind of tweaking it to be the best version for you. And that comes that comes across in a lot of the work that I do, and a lot of the mentorship I do is asking about what is the historical context of this thing. And so obviously, I'm really drawn to places like that or Greece for the same reason. You know, that's one place I've never been, literally just
Rick Denton:adding, adding, yeah, I
Sarah Hatter:could just, like, I just couldn't, yeah, I could go on and on.
Rick Denton:Well, that's what Egypt is, a place that I've spent, I think it was three days. It was a work trip. So I've been there and loved it. It was brilliant. I'd love to go back and do what you're describing as well. Greece is a place I've not been to yet either. It's on my actual dream list, and part of that is because the food. So, oh yeah, this now, what is a favorite thing of yours to eat?
Sarah Hatter:Gosh, you are really getting to the core of me right now, aren't you?
Rick Denton:These are the deep questions, right? Yeah, yeah.
Sarah Hatter:I, you know, I have, I have weirdly disordered eating and that, like, there, there are things that I just, I, especially at home, I'm just really consistent. I like to do the same thing every time. It just, it's one less decision that I have to make every day. But when I travel, anything goes, there will be anything in the world. So I would say definitely, I'm a big cheeseburger aficionado. That's like, top line for me. But I also really love experimental foods. I love cheeses from around the world. I love countries where cheese is your dessert. I just find that, like, yes, we need to do more America, right? We really do? We need to have better cheeses and think of them as an indulgence, not just like, you know, something on the side. So, yeah, I am. I'm big on that. My favorite bread is a croissant, if you if you want to dive really deep,
Rick Denton:I'm with you here. And what I'm laughing about is, viewers know that I clip up these, these shows and drop a clip there on YouTube for the YouTube shorts. And I'm really tempted to have America should be better with its cheeses.
Sarah Hatter:Listen, I'm telling you, the more that you travel, let's go the other way. Yeah, the more you travel, you have those experiences, the more you're like, Gosh, what's wrong with us? You know, yeah,
Rick Denton:there's a lot that's good about us too. But yes, it shows you that there is more than one way to eat dessert. Let's go the other way. What is one thing growing up you were forced to eat, but you hated as a kid.
Sarah Hatter:Oh, squash. I have bad memories about squash. I'm with Yeah. And I also, I wouldn't even say this is actually, this is a better one, a better and it's not about when I was a kid. It was about when I was, like, growing up, and then, like, in my 20s, New York style pizza is not good pizza. And this is a hill I will be, I will be happily dead on the sogginess. The pieces are too big. They're flopping around. The cheese is too greasy. Half the time there's no toppings at all. No, we've all pretended for too long that it's good, and I disagree it is not good. It is not good.
Rick Denton:Okay, so I know that there's at least a sizable percentage of the listeners and viewers right now that have just either slammed their keyboard or their phone down or whatever it is that they're using to watch this. It's a it's a, I welcome all perspectives on CX passport, even if I like kind of folding up the pizza and having a bite of it myself. But other than a shield that I think you may need to carry a shield right now travel item, not including your phone or your passport that you will not leave home without.
Sarah Hatter:I really like these sugar free vitamin C drink mixes have like electrolytes in them, but they're, they're sugar free, they're low carb. That has, that's my, my tried and true way to just stay like without jet lag. I don't know how it works. I don't know why it works, but I highly recommend them to anyone who's traveling. They're just good to have. When you're traveling, you're on your feet way more than you realize, like people are walking around a lot. You're eating indulgent food. You're eating a lot of sugar, way off your diet. So it's a nice way to kind of center. I think your body and your brain too. That's like, my big thing. I would also just say is, like another caveat, loop earplugs, if you've never, if you've never gotten into loop earplugs, it's a lifestyle, and it'll absolutely change everything for the better for you. So those that's my plug. If you're listening loop earplugs, I'm available for influencer deals.
Rick Denton:Enrique, I already now, I'm not exaggerating. I'm sitting here thinking about, okay, when can I actually book a flight like I'm intrigued by it. I definitely want to get the the link to your sister's hotel in the in the show notes here, off air, you can tell me some of the good restaurants to check out, because it the Guatemala is definitely bumping up my list. That the volcano one especially really caught me. I would love to be on that lake surrounded by volcanos when we travel, especially if it's longer than a three and a half hour flight, it is nice to stop off in a lounge. There are some great global lounges. Today, you're going to get a chance to be a part of the first class lounge here in CX passport. We'll move quickly here and have a little bit of fun. What is a dream travel location from your past?
Enrique Saenz:Okay, so I haven't not traveled too much. I have traveled a lot to the US and also Central America and maybe Mexico, you know, very close by. I haven't been to Europe yet, but I would say I had the opportunity to visit. I like beaches. I like I like the ocean. So I went to the Dutch islands of the coast of South America, you know. And I think Aruba and Bonaire are amazing. Are just amazing. Bonaire. Bonaire is a little bit more rustic, you know, it's smaller, but Aruba, the beaches and the whole development, the tourist development that is over there, is just incredible. So I love that. I think that's, that's the best, best place I've been good,
Rick Denton:good call on Aruba. I need to get there. I haven't had the chance to hit that island yet. But the problem with this, this darn little first class lounge, it just makes me want to go places, and unfortunately, I actually have to do work. So I got to figure out a way to blend the work and the travel here. What about a dream travel location you've not been to yet.
Enrique Saenz:Well, as I said, I haven't been to Europe, and I am a very avid and fanatic soccer fan, so visiting the stadiums over there is a plus. But what I would really like to do, I also like to eat, you know. I like to to have wine, you know. And so my dream vacation would be just going through Italy, Spain and France, you know, and going to the small towns and trying different wines, you know, and eating some good food that would be just incredible with with a lot of time also, you know, because you cannot be rushed.
Rick Denton:That's right. There's something about Tuscany that is just slow travel and inspiration. Absolutely, you mentioned food. What is a favorite thing of yours to eat?
Enrique Saenz:Well, we like to eat a lot of meat, you know. We have very incredible meat. When you come to Guatemala, you're going to try the meat, and you're going to see the difference. And we like to do, you know, like cook outs, you know. And I like that. I like meat, you know, and maybe have some vegetables on the grill and that just over some wine or some beers, you know. I love that. Oh, boy. I'm a fan. I
Rick Denton:like that category. Just what's favorite thing to eat? Meat, meat and grilled vegetables. Sounds good to me. The other direction, though, what is something growing up you were forced to eat, but you hated as a kid,
Enrique Saenz:I was, I was trying to think about that, and I don't, I cannot think about anything that my parents forced me to eat. But they were very conservative. You know, I haven't eaten liver or brains or something like that. I haven't had there are some CRI ideas, which, are, I don't know if you know what they are, but I don't they're bulls,
Rick Denton:I don't know. Yeah, Rocky, Rocky Mountain Oysters for us here in the Yes, yeah.
Enrique Saenz:I also like seafood a lot. You know? Yeah, I like seafood a lot. Okay,
Rick Denton:so you have the real oysters, not the Rocky Mountain oyster, I can understand. Yeah? Well, Enrique, it is time for us to leave the lounge. What is one travel item not including your phone, not including your passport that you will not leave home without?
Enrique Saenz:That was a great question. Rick, I love that question. And after thinking about it, I I cannot leave my home and travel without this, this small rosary that I bought in Mexico, I am, I am a believer. I'm not that religious. I'd like to go to Mass, you know, but I have this, this rosary that I bought in Mexico, in the Guadalupe church. There, and it's, and it's made out of rose, rose petals, you know, the beads. So I have it there in my in my night desk, and I usually carry it with me when I'm traveling out of Guatemala or in Guatemala as well, you know, just to protect me. So I'd like to take that
Rick Denton:really. I love that, and I I've told brands, or I've said this, I think I've said this on this show that there's almost a temptation to say, hey, why don't you disappoint a few customers so that you can restore their relationship and make it great again. Well, no, that's a bad idea. No, we never want to seek to disappoint. Yet what you said is so true, and I would like to maybe off air. I would love for you to introduce me so that we can hear more of those stories, of the the turnaround, the the that opportunity to totally restore the relationship can create such a sense of loyalty. You know, an area that has a lot of opportunity to restore relationships is travel, right? You've, you've traveled the globe. There have been a lot of long flights. There's been a lot of hard trips. And one of the things that can be very nice on a long trip is to stop down in the lounge, take a little break in the the lounge, enjoy a snack, enjoy a drink. And so today I want to invite you to do that, no drink, no snack. I'm sorry I don't have that through the the video screen here, but I'd like you to join me here in the first class lounge, and let's have a little fun here. I'm curious what is a dream travel location from your past,
Milagros Gonzales:from my past so that I that I have been already, that's correct. So Italy. Last year, I had the chance to spend three weeks in Italy with my sister, another half of that trip with my friends, and it was really a great destination.
Rick Denton:Italy, what a wonderful place. I can see why that is the dream from your past, and to be able to spend three weeks there, that's really nice to do a little slower travel. And probably inspired you. Like Italy travel has inspired me to want to spend three months, three years there, and really slow travel. It for sure. What about going forward? What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet. I
Milagros Gonzales:haven't been to the Polynesia Island. I would love to go, or, like, even Hawaii. I haven't had the chance to go. So definitely, I think that side of the world really calls me boy. That
Rick Denton:would be nice. It is getting out there would be delightful. Now, listeners, if you are a listener, you don't know this, but if you're a viewer, you may wonder, Well, wait, why is Rick wearing a sweater? And why is mealy wearing summer clothes? That's right, folks, she gets to make us all jealous down there in Argentina in the summer weather. And so while I am thinking of beaches and wanting to get out there because it's cold, I see that mealy Beach is just a part of your culture, and wanting to get out to Polynesia and Hawaii is just part of probably who you are. And wanting to get out there, I I have to call it out, though I am jealous of your summer time frame right now and wish that I were in a warmer place right now. What is we talked about Italy, and one of the great things about it is the food. But I don't want to lead you with that in general, what is a favorite thing of yours to eat?
Milagros Gonzales:Yeah, I would have to say seafood, definitely, yes. So I live in Argentina, but I don't know if you know that, but I'm actually from Peru. I'm from Peruvian, so I love my Peruvian seafood. I love ceviche and all the goodies. Yes,
Rick Denton:that is, that is awesome. Yes, I have, I was actually really impressed by the sea, which obviously Peru there being on the coast, and the seafood culture, the sushi culture is spectacular. There. It is really a delightful seafood culture. So I can see why that would be a part of yours. Let's go the other direction. What is something while you were growing up, you were forced to eat, but you hated as a kid,
Milagros Gonzales:yeah. Like, yes, I like all of these liver I had to, like my mom, what one always wanted me to eat liver because I was so, like, skinny and like, didn't eat that much, like she tried to give it to me in all different kind of ways, like in soup, like Milanes, like, No, I guess, like, I could try it a little bit, and I already knew that there was liver on that dish, and I couldn't make it. No, never,
Rick Denton:really, there's a, there's a bit of a in a host insiders my one, I just love the story. But I am blown away by how often liver is coming up. Listeners, you'll realize that, yeah, the episode before this one, what was the answer to the food? Uh huh, liver and onions. So it is. It is funny how this is coming up as a theme. I have stumbled into. I thought it was brussel sprouts was the world's most hated, but I'm starting to realize that maybe liver and onions that is. The most hated, let's, let's close out the lounge with travel. Mila, you have had the chance to travel the globe. You're all over the place. What is one travel item you won't leave home without not including your passport, not including your phone?
Milagros Gonzales:That's a great question. I think, like my sunblock. I am like, I cannot leave my I need it every day. I love being outdoors and outside and enjoy the sun, but yeah, have to take care of our skin. So, yeah, sunblock is one that I will definitely bring.
Rick Denton:I We got deep there, and actually, you did the windowless basement. It's It's deep. We don't know how deep it is in severance. We need a break. We absolutely need a break. And so I'm gonna invite you here into the first class lounge. We'll take a little break here. Have a little bit of fun. Move quickly, but we're gonna have some fun here. What is a dream travel location from your past?
Michael Mattson:You know, I have always wanted to go to that I've been to That's right from your past. Well,
Rick Denton:we'll talk about the future here. But what's a dream travel location you've been to?
Michael Mattson:You know what? I'm I'm ashamed to say. I've never left this country. It's okay. There's plenty of great places. Yeah, there are. There's a lot of beautiful places. I mean, I lived in Colorado for a long time. I lived in northern Idaho, and talk about scenery, right? And I'm a photographer at heart. And so connecting on those very esthetic levels is my jam. So anywhere that has to do with nature, I just I adore it. Nice
Rick Denton:man, after my heart, there. My favorite place in the country, I believe, is the southwestern US, that desert kind of mountain and desert sort of vibe. But I do love Colorado, and there's plenty of pretty places here that are dream travel location for past. Heck, I had a guest on that'll I think it'll be right before your episode, if not a couple, where he mentioned a place in the US as a dream travel location of his future. I think we sometimes, when you live in a place, you don't realize, well, wait, we're exotic to somebody else. So it's fantastic. These are dream travel applications for folks all around the globe. What about going forward? What is a dream travel location you've not been to yet?
Michael Mattson:I would love to go to Amsterdam. Yeah, tell me why there's, yeah, there's something about the Netherlands. And it's just, it's, it's beautiful, right? Just, obviously, it's scenically, but culture wise, it's, it's incredible. It's just, it's just everything, right, nice.
Rick Denton:I like that place, yeah, kind of like that. It's just everything. I will give you one to I was there on a work trip die years ago, maybe seven years ago at this point, and I got there a few days early, and so before the work portion of the trip began, I actually stayed it was an Airbnb, but it was one of the houseboats on the canals, and it was a brilliant way to experience Amsterdam and the houseboat on a canal. So I will recommend that if you have a look to one of those elements that aren't the same as a hotel, right? Maybe a little less space, but it was, it was nice there. What is a favorite thing of yours to eat?
Michael Mattson:Oh, I just, I love pizza. Yeah, yeah. I think that now I'm in the northeast, so, oh
Rick Denton:yeah, you're right, epicenter of it, yeah. Well, you really have some good pies up there. You
Sam Stern:absolutely do.
Rick Denton:Let's go the other way. What is a thing growing up you were forced to eat, but you hate it as a kid? Oh,
Michael Mattson:man, I could not get I could not accept fish sticks. I hate it. In fact, I would hide them, which my parents did not love.
Rick Denton:Boy, of all the foods to sit, uh, idly in a corner somewhere for a few days, not the best choice. No,
Michael Mattson:don't do that. Well, please
Rick Denton:don't hide any food in the first class lounge, because we are going to have to exit now. What is one travel item, not including your phone or your passport that you will not leave home without?
Michael Mattson:It's got to be my, my camera, and not on, not on the phone, you know, my actual, you know, DSLR. There's something, there's something special about having a separate camera, right, a different connection, right? It's, it's a, it's focused on, no pun intended. It's, you know, it's, it's a specialized tool, and so you really connect with it on that level.
Rick Denton:Thanks for joining us this week on CX Passport. If you liked today’s episode I have 3 quick next steps for you Click subscribe on the CX Passport youtube channel or your favorite podcast app Next leave a comment below the video or a review in your favorite podcast app so others can find and and enjoy CX Passport too Then, head over to cxpassport.com website for show notes and resources that can help you create tangible business results by delivering great customer experience. Until next time, I’m Rick Denton and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport.